Focused on identifying a distinctive ‘story’ to underpin your business launch, Mil will work with you to define the uniquely desirable aspects of your proposition and develop these into a Brand Narrative that will set you apart from the crowd. Woven not only into the content, style & tone of communication, but also into the design of products, packaging & customer experience, a great brand narrative will give you competitive advantage in a crowded market.
The brand narrative is the DNA upon which your new business will be built, and Mil will help explore how this translates into brand values which can be reflected in every aspect of your business, from a great visual identity to the look and feel of your website, retail environment service offering and product range.
Founded on a solid understanding of your brand DNA - who you are, what you stand for and what makes you special - Mil will work with you to reveal and visualise those opportunities that will most effectively build trust & love within your desired audience.
The best products and services not only 'work' but also feel good... brand loyalty is felt in the gut, not the head!